Category Archives: Fish

Sign This!: In the Ocean

Use the American Sign Language sign FISH as you share this rhyme.

sample picture_fishIn the ocean the fishies swim.  (sign FISH)

They leap up high… (move FISH hand up as if fish is leaping)

then jump back in!  (move FISH hand low as if returning to water.)

Look for more fun American Sign Language rhymes, songs, crafts and more in Little Hands and Big Hands: Children and Adults Signing Together by Kathy MacMillan, coming in October from Huron Street Press.  Pre-order now!

Under the Sea Storytime

Recommended Book

Mama, Is It Summer Yet? by Nikki McClure. New York: Abrams, 2010.

A child eagerly awaits summer, repeatedly asking his mother, “Is it summer yet?” As the seasons change the mother points out all the signs that summer is arriving until she can finally respond, “My little one, it is summer now!”


Flannelboard Rhyme

Colorful Fish

For a multicultural twist, use this activity to teach colors in Spanish or another language.

There are lots of fish in the ocean today,

swimming and playing along the way.

Listen to the clues and make a wish!

Guess the color of each little fish!


These fish are the color of a cardboard box,

a bar of chocolate and dirty socks. (BROWN)


Look over there, bright fish are swimming by,

they are the color of strawberries and the apples in a pie. (RED)


These fish are the color of the night,

be careful if they sneak up on you, they’ll give you a fright! (BLACK)


These fish are the color of snow,

a piece of paper and a baseball you throw. (WHITE)


Fast fish the color of grass,

hiding from the bigger fish, swim by fast! (GREEN)


Shy fish, the color of the sky,

swim by quickly, say goodbye! (BLUE)


Action Rhyme

“I Wish I Was a Fish”

(act out the words, or use the sign FISH)

I wish wish wish

I was a fish fish fish

I’d swim down low

then jump up high

Then splash back down

oh my oh my!

I’d swim left and I’d swim right

Through the day and through the night.

I’d wiggle through the water

with a splish splash splish

If I was a little fish!


Activity Rhyme

Octopus, Octopus

Octopus, octopus, turn around

Octopus, octopus, touch the ground

Octopus, octopus, reach up high

Octopus, octopus, floating by.




Materials needed: paper plate, crayons or markers, construction paper, glue sticks, scissors.


  1. Cut a curving piece from the top of the plate so that the plate resembles the shape of a fishbowl.
  2. Cut fish shapes from various colors of construction paper. (For younger children, precut the fishbowls and fish.)
  3. Draw rocks, castles, or other shapes in the bottom of the fishbowl. Color in the blue water.
  4. Glue your fish into the bowl and decorate as desired.